Since I have been a bad mommy and not posted a picture of Amelia in 10 days, I decided I better get to it. I don't know if you can tell as much in b/w but she has got the major teething drool going on. Even with the drool, she's got the sweetest little face with her pretty eyes and cute little grin. And I think she likes getting her picture taken - just tonight I got the video camera out to video tape her beginning attempts of crawling - and as soon as she saw the camera, she pushed herself up on her arms and gave me a big grin. And looks at those little cheeks, is it any wonder that I have to kiss them a thousand times a day?!
Oh my!!! Give those cheeks an extra kiss from me! She's GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know how you get anything done around the house with that adorable face watching you! I would just be able to stare at her all day long - and yes kiss those cheeks! and look at those long eyelashes! Why can't I have eyelashes like that?! :)
She's absolutely beautiful!
I know you know this, but I just have to say it again ... she is really and truly a beautiful baby girl! that skin! those eyes! that smile!
Oh, your girls are lovely!! I love the quote at the bottom of your blog!!
And thanks for sharing your scar story over at my place...
Mary, mom to many
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