Before you think she was cleaning out our drains, she pulled her hand from behind her back and had a pair of scissors and calmy said "I cut my hair - in the trash" (WHAAATTT????) Sure enough, I looked in the trash and found some of her hair -- but I didn't think it looked like that much. So I sat her down, gave her a time out and then decided to take her hair out of her little piggy tails and comb it. I combed it and more hair came out, and more and more..... I just felt like crying! Actually, Isabella said "I made mommy sad?" "Yes baby, you made mommy sad because you disobeyed and touched scissors, (not too mention her beautiful hair is being chopped up)....." So now if you ask her about it she will droop her shoulders, drop her head and say in a pitiful little voice "I made mommy sad" (This child really knows how to work the sympathy!) So she has given herself little bangs, I still feel like crying and this is what her hair looks like now:Ok, I realize you can't really see it well in the picture, but that little tiny bunch of hair on the top of her forehead in the middle - that's as long as it is. And before anyone says, well you should have kept your scissors put up -- they were, the only problem is, I can't think of anywhere high enough to keep them out of her reach, she climbs everywhere, can open any door or drawer and why did I think it was a good thing last week when she was with a little friend and she was the only one that could cut?!? On a lighter, more pleasant note Amelia has been changing so much in the last couple weeks. She is getting around everywhere -- she no longer is rolling everywhere but instead is doing either the inchworm crawl, pulling around in the military crawl, and even throws in a cute "downward facing dog" yoga stance every now and then. I really need to learn how to put a video on here, so ya'll can see her, its so cute!
**Edit: I found that I didn't have to totally change my music, now I have one song play after the other I just can't figure out how to get it to not start over with each new view....
Oh no! I don't even know what to say to that. She's still a cutie, but that hair was gorgeous. I guess we should just be thankful nobody got hurt with the scissors.
My daughter never cut her hair, but when she was about 4, she was visiting my dad and got a small round brush stuck in her hair. My dad couldn't get it out so he just cut it out. I was devistated. It was kind of top like hers but more off to one side. Thankfully it does grow back.
Oh my goodness, Deanna. I'm so sorry! I imagine it must have been a terrible feeling to see all of those beautiful curls on the floor, but if it makes you feel better, when I saw the picture really I could barely tell. I'll bet it'll grow back even fuller and curlier (you know, like perrenials do when you cut them back?) =)
Just be thankful she didn't go to the lengths that our neice Katie did several years ago. Let's just say that in all our Christmas pictures that year, she bore an extremely close resemblance to Rod Stewart . . .
oh wow! That does look like a lot of hair! I know saying, "it'll grow back" right now is no consolation for how you're feeling - but it really will! I know I would have felt like crying too!
I don't think either of your girls can take a bad picture! They are both gorgeous! Look at Amelia in that photo - her face is just full of sunshine! I wish I had her eyelashes!
I know you may have been offered this perspective- but it could have been a LOT worse :)
Chandler gave his "sissy" a haircut many years ago-- with children's scissors that weren't supposed to be able to do that kind of thing!
She had to be "evened out" in such a way that gave her the shortest pixie cut you could imagine :)
I could barely tell in Bella's picture-- got bobby pins?!
Deanna, I know what you are going through. Casey did the same thing. *TWICE* and the more you brush or comb the more that comes out. And it does grow back. Casey cut hers with the little fingernail scissors you get for baby's. You know the ones that our fingers don't fit in, Hers did. I have hid the scissors, put them up to where she can't find them. It doesn't help. They find them. You will have to get a box with a lock on it. But the good side is that Isabella's hair is thick and You really can't tell.
Casey's favorite song at the same age as Isabella was MY GIRL. I would sing it to her all the time and she would sing it back.
I will definitely have to post a better picture -- everyone says when they see her in person "You can't tell", but she used to have almost all one length hair (actually her hair is a little crazy right now with the under length being shorter than the upper length, but I refuse to cut off the length right now! :) Anyway, now I can't put all of her hair back in a ponytail, she has these little curly bangs - rather than curling under they curl up. BUT, I do have to say that I told Kenny, I think this child is going to either just be a perfectionist, artist or have a career in cosmetology because they are actually even -- how she did that, I don't know!! :)
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