This was taken last year, at the beach, and it was Isabella's first time at Build a Bear. We all knew right away what she would be choosing! I decided to use this picture for Love Thursday because, well, I love it! I love the fact that a year ago she was so crazy in love with Elmo, I love that she used to call him Melmo, and I love that she decided to snuggle with him when she looked in the mirror.
What an adorable pic of her snuggling Melmo while looking in the mirrow! Kayla says Melmo and sometimes just Momo.
This is an adorable picture. You can tell she really loves Melmo.
Matt and I went into our first Build a Bear store a couple of weeks ago. What a cool place. We didn't see Elmo, though :(
Yeah, Elmo has since been retired, now Cookie Monster is retired and this week they brought out Big Bird...... and of course Isabella makes sure we notice it when we walk by. Maybe Christmas time.
Great photo. I can see why you love it.
I love build a bear. Too bad it costs so much.
It does cost too much. Thankfully Isabella was too young to want any "accessories", because that's where it gets really expensive! When we went in after Amelia's adoption finalization, the guy told us he saw this one little girl every Friday, she had every single stuffed animal they have ever had -- I can't even imagine!
A little off topic here. Love the new blog template. You got your pink!!
I am sticking to my commitment to post everything in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month, but it is starting to drive me a little crazy. Ahhh, what we'll do for a good cause. 8^)
Yes, I told you all this was going to happen, I kept looking at the last blog and didn't like it, so I decided to play around and make a new blog and for now I love it! But I'm sure I will try something else later. :) I'm really into pink and black right now - I made a car seat cover and stroller bag for Amelia and it is pink and black with polka dots so I guess it has just carried over to my blog now. :)
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