Ok, before you actually get me for child labor, she asked mommy if she could do this. And honestly, I was surprised how well she did - I only let her go down the hall (this was her also trying to maneuver it into her bedroom) but that vacuum cleaner is so heavy and hard to push. I didn't even think she'd be able to push it, but she's a strong little girl. The picture I really wish I could have posted was of Amelia though. I've mentioned that she's my emotional one, the one that scares easy, etc. She even got scared yesterday when I had a towel wrapped around my head and Sunday at church, the people behind us laughed at her little raspberry noise and she started crying --- I have NEVER seen a baby this emotional at this age. Anyway, she is DEATHLY afraid of the vacuum cleaner. She was in her little entertainment system and when I turned the vacuum on, she got so scared -- I think it even scared Isabella because she kept trying to hug her. So I turned the vacuum off and decided that I would try to hold her on one hip and vacuum with the other hand. As soon as it came on, she didn't cry, but she grabbed my neck so tight and buried her head down into my chest. Kind of sweet, but I hate that she was so scared. I guess I'm going to be getting really strong arms unless I start vacuuming after daddy comes home. Or better yet, I'll cuddle her and he can vacuum. :)
I think that sounds like a good idea. You cuddle and Kenny vacuum. I remember when Cody was little and he didn't like the sound of snow on the TV. He would cry and hold his hand over his ears. But he outgrew it. Amelia may too.
lol...oh poor little sugar! She is so funny! I can just see her all cuddled into your neck, but assured that mommy will take care of her. And Isabella is so sweet to try and take care of her sister. The picture of Isabella is adorable. I can't get over all that beautiful hair!
"All THAT" beautiful hair is right. Her hair has been so crazy lately - from having to have a clip in it to keep it out of her eyes to having so many different lengths in it still! My mom says I need to get it cut to even it out- but I refuse!! I don't want her to have short hair yet, so we'll wait to until the "underlength" gets long and then cut it. :)
what a cute little helper you have there!
My boys loved to vacuum.
They also love to clean the bathrooms. How odd is that?
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