What is it about almost 3 year olds (or at least mine) that can take a simple, routine thing and turn it into craziness. Every night we have the same ritual with Isabella -- she goes potty, washes her hands, washes her face, brushes her teeth, etc. Well last night after she washed her hands, I gave her more soap to wash her face and went to my normal stance of holding back her hair when all of a sudden she went nuts with washing her face -- starting with her hair! Honestly, it took all of 2 seconds! I said "Oh, Isabella - stay right there" and of course I had to go get.... a washcloth?, the rod of discipline?, ... No, my camera! :) On a daily basis, this child cracks me up with her antics even when some of them are much messier than this. The people who know me well have on several occasions made the comment that it's amazing that I got the exact personality in a child that I had hoped for. I know, call me crazy, but I always said I hoped I would have a child with a little mischievious personality. I do believe I got my wish!
Cute pics! You'll be glad you decided to grab your camera for these pictures...something to look back on and laugh!
Oh look at her face! Who knew washing up at bedtime could be so fun? I'll have to give it a try myself tonight. :o) And to think that precious, little, sleeping newborn in the suitcase is the same adorable, funny, little toddler in these pictures. I love that little girl!!!
Hey, girls gotta start those beauty routines young!!
She looks like she was having lots of fun washing her face. :)
That's funny, sure makes for cute pictures. She's just absolutely beautiful. I love her eyes.
Thanks for the weight loss encouragement by the way.
I love it! Her expression is priceless!
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