Yesterday morning, I got up having plenty of time to get out of the house early because our hearing was at 10:15. I got ready, got the girls up and fed, then dressed the girls in their adorable little outfits that daddy had spoiled them with. Got everything ready with time to spare, then picked up Amelia, she had spit up on her blanket and her arm, had a very nasty diaper as well, then I had to search all over the house to find her little hat because Isabella had taken it...... and got out of there later than I had planned - how does this always happen?! :) Thankfully, the rest of the day was much better!! We drove out to daddy's work because to do the adoption hearing telephonically we had to have a notary present and one of the secretary's is a notary. As soon as I got there, we called the court, were sworn in by the judge and Christina (the notary) and actually had a sweet adoption finalization. No, we didn't have the great videotape of us in the courthouse, no pictures with the judge afterwards, but still I got choked up. The whole finalization lasted maybe 15 minutes and we were done. I took the pictures below of Amelia next to the phone with a little headset on -- we wanted to think of a cute way to remember this "phone" finalization! Then I tried to take some pictures of the girls outside and this was the only one where they both were looking, of course daddy was doing something funny to make them laugh and I guess the sun was a little bright in their eyes. We'll have to have another little photo shoot with these cute outfits on!Later that afternoon, Kenny got off of work and we headed over to Build a Bear. Isabella picked out a cute little dog to make and then we had her help make the bear for Amelia. Our main reason for doing this was because at Isabella's adoption finalization the court gave her a little teddy bear, so we thought we would get one for Amelia to remember this day as well. I have to give a shout out to the guy (I never looked at what his name was) that helped us. He was very nice in talking to Isabella and then when we made Amelia's he asked how old she was (he might have been thinking we were a little crazy to be spending money to make one for a baby) and I mentioned to him that this was also her adoption finalization day so we were here to celebrate. Then he said "Well, in that case, why don't all of you get a little heart to put in the bear" So we each got one, he had Isabella hold it over her heart and close her eyes to make a wish. (I was waiting to hear Isabella start praying instead) Then we kissed the hearts and put them all in the bear. We then of course gave the animals a "bath" and took a couple cute pictures. Then the guy again came over and asked if since this was a special day, did we want him to take a picture of us with their polaroid camera - I guess they have their own "film" because the picture says Build a Bear on the bottom of it. I think they do this for birthday parties. We didn't pick out any clothes (we figure we will hold off on this one until Isabella figures it out for herself) but they did give them a little box full of bows for the animals' ears. It really was a very special time - and it may seem silly, but just the little extra special attention we got made it even better.
After that, we went out to eat with my parents at Bonefish Grill. We had never been there before, but YUM! It was so good! We had thought we were going to try to get family and friends together to celebrate, but with it being on a weeknight, kids having school the next day, etc. - it was just us and my parents. Which is actually, what it was like for Isabella's as well, but we were in California. All together we had a great day full of lots of memories and best of all Amelia is officially ours!!
Oh, DeAnna, how very exciting that Amelia's adoption has been finalized. I remember Snuggle Bug's Adoption Finalization as if it were yesterday! :)
I'm so happy for you and your family! God Bless!
P.S. I loved the pictures. :)
By the way, thanks for your comment on my WFMW baptism gift post.
I appreciate you stopping by!
Ok, I'm about to cry just reading this and looking at the pictures! I'm so happy for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love all of the pictures!!!! I can't comment on just one because then I'll go on and on. I do have to say that the girls outfits are ADORABLE!!!! And, Amelia looks hilarious on the
DeAnna, I am so happy for you guys that Amelia's adoption is finalized. The pics are sooooo adorable. Both of the girls are blessed to have you and Kenny as parents as you are blessed to have them. I Love you guys!
I loved the pictures, Deanna! What an exciting time for you all as a family. Congratulations and God bless!
How precious! We have one finalization down and one to go! I loved the pics and the celebration afterwards! How blessed are you! Thank you for sharing!!
WOOHOOOO!!! And, as usual, those pics are PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!! : ) Congrats!!! : )
Oh big congratulations to you on a very special day! How wonderful the adoption finalization day went so well and that's awsome how attentive the guy at the bear workshop was! Sounds like it was a special day!
Let me try that again :)
Congratulations! I am happy for ya'll!!!
The Build A Bear was a great idea for a way to celebrate... Amelia looks so cute with her bear and in her headset... that is a neat way to remember the "over the phone" process.
I am sure it was a special day and
I am happy for all of you - you have a beautiful family...
Isn't this when we start hinting for a baby brother ? :) j/k
Congratulations on your daughter's finalization! Such a special day - and I love the Build a Bear idea!
You have a lovely, "colorful" family! My favorite kind!!
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