Ok, even though I had to seperate this into two posts - here are our pictures from this weekend's apple picking. Hope you can see them ok or at least click on them to make them bigger if not. I'm not sure why blogger isn't let me upload them easily. A couple of these pictures look a little dark, but I am not going to change that right now or I'll never get this posted. Anyway, we had a great time apple picking. Isabella was all excited about picking "apples off of trees" and I don't know how many apples she took bites out of. She was so cute when we got there, gave her the basket and she was ready to go -- of course she at first started wanting to put the apples that were in the ground in her basket, but then Papa and Daddy helped her pick some from the trees. I, of course just wanted to get lots of pictures -- but trying to get pictures of both of my girls looking at the same time and possibly even smiling, was impossible! I liked the one of them looking at each other though I think they were sympathizing with each other that they have a crazy camera hound mama! You can't see it in these pictures since they are so small, but Amelia's shirt has a little apple on it and it says "Pick me, I'm sweet" - so mom and I thought it would be fun to take a picture of her sitting in the tree with the apples. Amelia seemed to enjoy being outside as well and Papa even gave her a little lick of an apple. Then when we were all done apple picking, we took a little ride around the farm being pulled by a tractor and Isabella got to see all kinds of farm animals, and she was especially excited about the turkey who "gobbled" at us as we passed by. All together it was a fun time and we were thankful that it didn't rain so that we actually had beautiful weather. Next stop this fall --- Pumpkin Patch! (More pictures in the post below)
Love those pictures! Are they the cutest or what!
Love them! You got some great shots. Looks like you had a beautiful day. What a wonderful time of year. I'm obsessed with apples. Your girls could be the poster children for apple consumption worldwide. ;)
Somewhere in your area there should be a CurlyDee Photography-- you take such great pictures :)
I love the apples too-- they are so red and colorful in the pics...
How do the girls eat them (peeled?sliced? cooked? etc)
We bought some coming home from Asheville one time and to this day I don't think I've had one from a grocery store compared to those just off the tree...
Kelly, I know what you mean, the store bought ones just aren't the same. Especially since their are some varieties of apples, that I've never seen in the stores - my favorite of those was Mutsu. YUMMY! Isabella will eat the apple anyway she can - she loves them! Normally I just slice and peel them for her, yesterday as I was cutting one up she said "Take the red off, mommy" :)
Wow! What incredible photos of an obviously fantastic day. Great memory.
Aww, Poor Amelia-- did all that work and got just a lick !
Did she start cereal yet-- perhaps soon she can have some mixed in with it...
That is cute what Isabella said :)
Do you all have roomfull of apples or what?! ( perfect excuse for making carmael ones :)
Love the look on Amelia's face where she is sitting in a basket looking at Isabella. It makes me laugh right out loud!
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