My Isabella is in love with Play Doh! It is actually one of the few things that will entertain her for a long period of time. Every day this past week she has asked to play with it. I know alot of mothers hate this stuff, but not me - I love it about as much as she does. I mean, who could not like play doh - its squishy, colorful, and you can squirt it out to look like spaghetti or make the funny little people have crazy pink hair! Really, what's more fun than that? In the larger picture, she is holding what mommy made for her. We decided to make each other something - she had made a " little tiny potty" for me (oh I wish I could have grabbed my camera quick enough for that one, but she squished it) and she wanted me to make her a.......
....flat circle. Yeah, no great creative project there. So I did, but then I told her I was going to make it extra special for her and I used these little stamps and put some imprints in the circle. Anyway, when I gave her to her, she gasped and said "Oh Thaaaannnnk Youuuuuu Mommy! I LUB IT!" She's so cute! I hope she's this easy to please at Christmas time. :)
Oh, good for you! Way to take the time to play with your little one!! Even if it is with play-doh. j/k 8^)
I totally understand the fascination with Play Doh. I got a McDonald's Play Doh set when I was little where you could make little hamburgers and fries. I swear I probably played with that thing well into junior high (NO COMMENTS, Rebecca--don't you dare divulge that I used to play Barbies with you when I was in high school). Ok, there. I've said it. I used to play Barbies in high school. Pheeeew. That has taken a load off my chest. I've been wanting to get that out in the open for years and all on account of your Play Doh blog entry, Deanna, I can finally come clean. Thanks. ;)
Man, I come over to visit my friend's blog and find my sister coming clean about her secret obsession with Barbies. Have no fear, Kris, I won't say a word about you playing Barbies well into HIGH SCHOOL, nor will I divulge that you actually enjoyed yourself and kept on playing long after I left to go watch "Let's Make a Deal," ya weirdo!
Now, onto the real reason I'm here....Isabella, I "lub" you and I wish I could play Play Doh with you. And wow! what talent! A Play Doh potty? I think that should go in an art museum!
I was looking through some old pics of mine today and came across this one ( you'll have to copy and paste)
I had thought back to this day when I read this post originally-- then seeing this, well I thought I'd pass it along and show your flat circles up a bit :)
(j/k it's only play doh!)
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