.... and lots of them. :)
These first ones are pictures from our evening at Harbour Town. We went there to eat and then got on a sightseeing cruise to see dolphins. The kids loved seeing the dolphins and as you can see above, they let you take pictures of the kids "driving" the boat. Isabella really thought she was driving. She hopped up on that seat and started steering back and forth -- praise God she wasn't really driving or we all would have been sea sick. :) And in the picture to the left, I was hurrying to get a picture of my girls before we got on the boat and I mentioned something to Isabella about wanting a picture of her with the lighthouse that is on her skirt, so of course she ignored me and pointed up at the lighthouse instead -- yeah, sorry baby couldn't get you both in the picture.

This picture really cracks me up, I decided that maybe I could get a picture of my girls with the lighthouse in the distance, but then the boat made a loud noise so I have a few pictures of Isabella with a similar look on her face, trying to smile for mommy, but more of a terrified smile of that noise. This one was the funniest. :) Thankfully she didn't stay scared too long, as exhibited in these pictures below where she is being my little silly girl

And of course, here's my little cutie-patootie. I thought she would be afraid, but she wasn't -- at all -- to the point that we couldn't put her down because she would have walked right over to the side of the boat. And I love this one of Isabella and my dad. She probably stayed with him most of the cruise -- such a Papa's girl.

...alligator! We saw lots of alligators that week, or maybe the same alligator lots of times, but either way the kids were thrilled to see them. Last year we only saw the alligator a couple times (well, I didn't see them at all) but lots of turtles. And that's it, that concludes my beach pictures --- or at least I think so, for now. :)
OMG...once again, such cute girls and such cute outfits...you sew so well...I cannot believe it...simply amazing...much better than Gymboree! Looks like you all had an amazing time!
Thank you! You're too sweet. hmm... better than Gymboree?? I wish. :)
I'm continually AMAZED at your sewing skill....and I'm w/ Nikara! You ARE better than Gymboree! : ) I'm telling you, girl, you have a GIFT! And if you ever wanted to market those clothes, you totally could! : )
Thanks for updating about your aunt too! Praying for her - please keep us updated!
what a fun time you all have been having! Not only do you have the cutest girls; you also have the best dressed girls! I love their outfits!
The outfits you made for the girls are just toooo cute!!! :-) I wish I could sew. Mom was like you when I was little in that she made a lot of my clothes, but didn't do the added cute things you do. I have been sick and not able to visit mom in the hospital. I did talk to Melva last night and the cancer has not gotten into moms bones and she doesn't have the congested heart failure. She does have the bacteria you get from hot tubs. How I don't know. I want to thank everyone for their prayers for mom. It really means a lot to know that there are people you have never met, praying for your loved ones.
ALl the beach pics are great. As always the outfits are ADORAblE and always so fitting for the occasions! Your skills are awesome! Do you sell them? Seriously, you need a website, Ebay store or something! SERIOUSLY!
Ohhhh, can they be any cuter??!! What great family memories you guys made! And what absolutely adorable outfits YOU made!!!! See? I told you that you need to start making your clothes and selling them. It's not just me that thinks so. You are so talented! Their outfits are the cutest!!! (of course, it helps make your outfits look even sweeter when your girls are in them. :o)
By the way, I absolutely love that picture of your dad and Isabella. That one should be framed!
I hate to sound like a broken record, but I just love the outfits!!!!! :)
I especially like the pants or gonchos, anyway they look so cute on the girls. I can see that you guys had a wonderful time at the beach. I am anxiously awaiting the time for our vacation. The only problem with vacation is, it doesn't last long enough. :)
Oh, I just love these pictures! Your little girls are beautiful! :)
You really should start selling childrens clothing, or do you already? Those outfits are so beautiful! I would buy a ton of clothes from you!
What wonderful photos, and outfits! The first group shot looks like a catalogue photograph...Thanks for sharing! Maybe you can post some sewing lessons for us some time :-)
I must echo the others - your clothes are super adorable! Amelia and Isabella are just sooo CUTE! I love Isabella's facial expressions. =)
Since I just found out that you live in my hometown, I decided to tag you for a meme about your favorite restaurants and look forward to hearing your answers. =)
The girls are adorable, as always! I was going to comment about how beautifully they are always dressed, but your other commenters all beat me to it! They are so, so cute! Somehow I had missed that you MADE a lot of their clothes?!?! (Show off! :) Just kidding!) The girls are so pretty and their clothes are so cute, they really do look like they stepped out of a catalogue. Have you thought seriously of making a bit of a business of it? I don't even have girls, and I would totally buy any of the outfits I've seen on your sweet daughters!
And that picture of Isabella with her grandfather is priceless...
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