We had a little photo shoot with the girls last night, so I thought I would share the pictures. I was trying out some new lighting, although I believe I failed in that area. But, as always my girls are still as cute as can be. Needless to say, Amelia was way to wiggly and wouldn't stay how I "put" her, and Isabella was way to impatient - she kept jumping up each time the flash went off and saying, "All done." I honestly do not know how people with more children get a picture of all their kids even sitting and looking at the camera, not to mention smiling. Its still fun though, I didn't get the pictures I was aiming for, but I did get some photographic memories - I will look at these and remember the stage my 2 girls were in. Amelia is definitely in the wiggly stage, she is now rolling over both ways and "rolling away" and Isabella is way to busy to want to sit down for alot of pictures and is still trying to figure out how to give me a good smile without scrunching her nose. The good news is I didn't have to pay for any sitting fees!
It's great that you write all of this down so you will remember these special days with your girls. The pictures came out beautiful. Hey, if you ever want to do a photo shoot outdoors somewhere and could use an assistant, just give me a call. I've seen people taking pictures out at Furman right before the sun goes down and the lighting is gorgeous. Not that you need my help--the pics are great! I'm just thinking that I'd talk you into going out for a coffee drink on the way home. =D
Your girls are beautiful!! I can't believe you didn't get what you were shooting for -these shots came out wonderful! The one of the 2 of them together is so precious! Amelia has such a gorgeous smile in the pics by herself.
Cute cute cute!!
My GOODNESS they are just way tooo stinking cute! And you always have them dressed soo adorable (and coordinated). I think i need to snag one of those girls as my daughter inlaw, just depends is Gav wants and older or younger woman!
Thank you all for the sweet compliments. Krissy - anytime girl, I always need help taking pictures because Isabella especially bores of mommy's antics to get her to smile. :)
Sylvie - That's right, Gavin is right in the middle of my girls for age. He's so cute, they might be fighting over him. :) And I know that my friend Becky will be commenting on this one, because since the day Isabella was born she has been convincing (brain washing) her son Mikey that he was going to marry Isabella - he thinks her full name is "Isabella my wife". Of course, he also told her after Amelia was born that he would marry her too. :)
OH MY WORD!!!! BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL PICTURES! Send them to me! I absolutely love the very first one of Isabella as well as the one of both girls! Aww, they are th cutest girls!!! I miss them so much!
And you're right...Mikey does think her name is, "Isabella-my-wife". And after I bribed her last week with the spicey,hot Cheetos "from Mikey" she should know him as, "Mikey hot stuff" We'll have her brainwashed in no time. Man! and they say "the way to a man's heart is through the stomache"? :o)
Ok and one more comment....love, love, LOVE that last picture of Amelia!!!!
Now, I have to go comment on your other pictures. :o)
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