Tonight we had a fun little family night. We had actually had this one planned for a couple weeks. At one of the Barnes and Nobles here in town they have storytime on Friday nights (which is great for me, since I would have to get the girls up early to get them ready for the morning story time.) Anyway, I noticed on their schedule that tonight they were going to have Clifford the Big Red Dog in "person". So after Isabella woke up today, I told her that tonight when Daddy got home we were going to go see Clifford the Big Red Dog. Her first reaction - a big surprised sigh and said "A BIG Movie... Eat popcorn!" :) I then of course had to explain to her that no it wasn't a movie we were actually going to meet Clifford and she could give him a hug. She was so excited, although I was wondering how she was going to react - she had kept saying things like "Give Clifford a BIG hug" "I want to ride Clifford" "I take my water to Clifford" (She took her water cup in just in case Clifford wanted water) Then she was so cute when we got there. The story teller had all the kids yelling for Clifford to come and then he came bounding in and for a few seconds Isabella was a little scared, then when Clifford went the other way she said "Come back here Clifford" (Yeah, you could tell she has a dog) She was so excited to see him and kept saying "Look Mommy Clifford" -- In the second picture she was getting Clifford to sign her book. Then the bottom picture, she had fun giving him five - and as much as she kept saying "I hug Clifford" - THIS is what she did when it was her turn to get her picture with him. Yeah, treated the poor dog like he had cooties touching her shoulder. :)

We then headed over to Whole Foods Market for a couple things, where Isabella gets to push her own personal little shopping cart and she didn't want to just push it she automatically started putting things in it.
Of course Amelia didn't get into the action much tonight, but from these pictures you can see she didn't seem to mind at all.
She was content to suck her thumb, be carried around by daddy, or just grin at everyone that stopped to look at her. All together it was a rather fun family night --- a couple weeks from now, at least Isabella and I will be heading back to storytime for a Pajama Parfait party where she gets to wear her little tiara, boa, you know play dress up. I'm not sure if it will top Clifford, but maybe the promise of a parfait will help!
Oh, my word, I can't believe you guys had family night at all my favorite places without me! ;) Didn't you stop to think that there might be another cute brunette in town who MAY have wanted to be introduced to Clifford the Big Red Dog as well? Just teasing--looks like you guys had a great time! I've heard they have those concerts every weekend and that they're pretty good.
I'm not sure what I would have done had I bumped into you guys at Whole Foods and seen Isabella with that little grocery cart! Too cute! =)
Ok, where do I even begin with this one?! Is it even possible for these girls to get any cuter?!! Isabella looks so adorable. I love how she is leaning over the table to Clifford's autograph. She is looking at him like I look at my peanut butter cup sundae....such love and admiration. :o) I love the pictures of her shopping with Kenny. Those are priceless! And if that little Amelia is just the most precious baby doll there ever was! I love it that she sucks her thumb! It just adds to the cuteness! :o) Can't wait to give her a squeeze!
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