Thought I would post one picture from this weekend. We had our cantata at church on Sunday where Isabella got to dress up as a little angel. She and her friend Makenna are not quite 3 and Tessa the girl behind Isabella is 4 -- the rest of the girls were 8 and above. I thought the 3 youngest girls did very well. Isabella and Makenna were so cute holding hands walking down the aisle, but then when they got on stage they weren't sure what to do at first (we didn't rehearse any of this) so Isabella immediately started going for the center of the stage and boy was this mama worried. Every Sunday after church - actually any time we are in the church, Isabella goes up on stage and wants to sing with a microphone. Mommy would normally say no, but the others that are in the church say "Isn't she cute" -- so I don't even bother. Anyway, I saw her walking across the stage and I thought "Oh no, she is going to grab that microphone and start singing". :) Actually, she was just confused at where to go so one of the teen girls helped her and she did fine after she saw mommy and I reminded her to do the little praying hands like the older girls. I thought she was absolutely the cutest angel, ever! :) She really enjoyed herself, I'm not sure if she enjoyed dressing up or being on stage more. That night she asked to dress up again "like a... like a... I want to be a.... butterfly." :)
OMG, she is the absolute cutest angel I've ever seen. You must have been so proud. She looks so adorable.
DeAnna...she looks so cute...angelic it what I call it. What a blessing to have her in your life.
Ok, I am actually laughing out loud at how cute this pictures is! I mean, CAN SHE GET ANY CUTER!!!!!!?
oh my gosh! That is the most precious picure! Ever.
She does look sweetly angelic. What a great picture!
Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts
I couldnt agree more that is got to be one of the cutiest pictures i've ever seen. Speaking of pictures thank you for the Christmas pictures that you sent to us I put it up at the office for all our clients and employees to see. Everyone that comes in keeps saying what beautiful girls you and Kenny have. Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.
Adorable! :-)
She looks just like an angel. :) Hope you all have a very merry christmas.
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