"As treasured keepsakes warm the home,
cherished friendships warm the heart."
My treasure for today is that I was able to spend a few days doing girl things with friends! My friend Becky (holding Isabella) came down to visit her sister Krissy (holding Amelia) and me - or at least to see my girls. :) There are certain people that come into your life and bring so much joy, encouragement, and yes, alot of silliness. And these 2 were definitely that for me!! (Although I do believe most of the silliness comes from Becky!) I am so thankful that the Lord has brought good friends into my life - even if we don't get together but once every 6 years. And for your sake I won't get sappy, but I just wanted to tell you both that "You are SOOO Kronk!" :)
For more Treasures go to Faith's Blog!
lol! oh no, it's YOU who is totally KRONK! (man! I sure hope that's not a bad word. If it is, I'm totally blaming it on Kenny since he taught it to us)
I miss you guys! I had a wonderful time and I'm so happy that I got to hold and snuggle your girls! They are even more beautiful in person. Love you!
What a great treasure indeed! And I really like that quote you have about friendships too!
Awwww, thanks, Deanna! We had such a great time with you guys. I have to admit, it's been quite awhile since I laughed hard enough to even consider spitting out a mouthful of Marble Slab ice cream all over the person sitting next to me, but thankfully, I didn't have to because you did. =) Thanks for coming to Charlotte with us. It would have been a long, sad ride home if you hadn't come. Say hi to the girls and tell the Gum Nazi I am NOT chewing gum right now. ;)
Hey now, I didn't spit it out on the person next to me, I spit it out on myself! Wait, that may actually be worse....
I love your opening quote. Friendships are indeed a treasure!
Thanks for your comment on my Older Parent (revealing my age) post!
I think the point you make of the importance of taking care of yourself, in order to enjoy your kids and grandkids, is a great one!
Thanks for sharing.
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