I promised birthday pics, so although her birthday party was a week ago, here they are. I posted a couple of her so you wouldn't have to wait to look through the slide show. Since her actual birthday is the first day of spring, we had a "springy" party, although I didn't include pictures of the decorations, we had butterflies, flowers, bright springy colors, a butterfly cake and I served "caterpillars" on a stick, buggy mac and cheese, and cheesy "cocoons" (see if you can figure all of those out.) Amelia loved eating her birthday cake, much more than Isabella did her first birthday. She jumped right in! She was so cute and of course the slide show is mostly of pictures of her eating her cake. :) She got lots of cute presents, but wasn't extremely interested in opening them, except she loved the stuffed lamb Noni and Papa gave her. All together, I think she had fun and of course the other kids had a great time playing together, I think Amelia is ready to be up and running around with them.

All of last week was really busy. We had the party, 2 nights of special services at church, Thursday night Kenny's sister and family were in from Michigan so they came over to visit, Friday night, Kenny had an all nighter with the teens (for which the girls and I stayed late, but not all night!) then Saturday we went shopping with Noni while Daddy slept and then we were given tickets to the circus, so we went Saturday night. AND let me tell you, THANK GOD the tickets were free, because I can't believe what a money maker a circus is. If you're wondering why one of us isn't riding the elephant with Isabella, it's because we weren't "monetarily" prepared for the circus. We hadn't thought about breaking the bank and bringing a ton of cash with us. They had the slide, the elephant rides, a polaroid picture with a tiger in a box ($10, no thanks!), some jumping thing, the toys, the food, etc. etc. We weren't total grinches, she just had to pick wisely what she wanted. :) She loved riding the elephant and she also got to slide down the big slide. As you can see, she's our little daredevil, going down head first. I think she had fun, although I have learned that I am not a big circus fan. Maybe it was just this particular circus, I don't know. I liked some of it, but not my favorite thing to do
And the BIG news of the week: Thursday night, Amelia decided to take her first few steps!!! Out of the blue, we were all sitting around talking, she stood up next to Daddy and was standing there for a while (which that's nothing new) and then all of a sudden she took one.... two....three steps. We, of course, grabbed the video camera and she refused to do it for the camera. I think Kenny might have gotten her to take a step for the camera, but once she sees the camera she is more interested in getting over to the camera than trying to do anything else. So, I guess I don't have long until she will be completely mobile!! I think it will be so cute when she starts walking, but I definitely don't push it or worry about it because I know that will just prove that she really isn't a baby anymore. I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. She'll go from being my baby to being my big girl that rides elephants by herself, slides down the big slide head first, ...... and I know that happened WAY too quick with Isabella.
Deanna, the pictures of Amelia are great...looks like she had a great time and what a GREAT theme for a beautiful Spring baby. And yes, the Circus is a huge money maker. No snow cone should cost $10...it is ice and syrup for crying out loud, but we have to do it for the babies :) Take care!
I just love the pics of Amelia with all of that cake on her face. She looks so cute. Looks like she really enjoyed her birthday and had lots of fun. I love the little dress she was wearing with the butterflies on it.
And it looks like Isabella had lots of fun at the circus. I can actually say that I have never been to a circus. And now if we ever decide to go, it sounds like we will have to save our money first. :)
I love the birthday pictures of Amelia. She is just adorable. First birthday pictures are the best!!
I completely understand what you are saying about the cost of the circus. We had the same thing here last summer with the free tickets but WOW did all the extas cost an arm and a leg.
Looks like you had fun though.
That is right Amelia- there is only ONE way to eat cake and you've got it down, sweetheart!
( i wish i could get away with doing it that way myself)
Great pictures- and yep, I cast my vote with you and all the others, the circus is one of those early lessons in "sacrifice for the sake of the kids" I can deal with the clowns but not death defying leaps or aroma de elephant
Looks like a great birthday- thanks for sharing the pics!
Cute CUte Cute!
Amelia is sooo beautiful, what adorable pictures :)
It has been a while since I have seen an Elephant at the circus, reminds me of being a child. I believe it is banned in Canada and the UK.
I too find these type of events are mega $$$
Those pictures are beyond adorable! That girl likes her cake!
And the party dress was just beautiful. What darling daughters you have!
Oh, those pictures are too cute! Amelia looks like she was just as happy as can be with those big bright eyes and frosting all over her happy grin. I loved the circus pictures, too! I laughed right out loud at the one of Isabella going down the slide head first! The look on her face is hysterical! That was a great shot!
I'm not a huge circus fan either, but it looks like Isabella had a great time. Amelia's B-day pictures are SOOO cute. There is just something about those 1st birthday cake pics. Fun! Amelia walked right after her 1st B-day just like my son Justin. We decided he was just proving that he would do things on HIS timeline, not OUR'S. Stinker 8^)
These birthday pictures of Ameila are sooooo cute! Happy Birthday little girl!
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