I have really been slacking on my blogging lately. Along with daily life, some sewing projects, trying to enjoy some of the nice weather, the last few weeks have been very busy -- mostly good busy so I thought I would share pictures. Right after Easter, my cousin Trish and her kids came down to visit for the day. Christian and Amelia are birthday twins as so we wanted to get the kids together shortly after their birthday and get some pictures. Here's my two favorites - but I'm hoping Trish got better pictures, because the shadows on this one are bad. : Then there a couple pics of my sweet Amelia, who is just getting more precious.... and active every day. Yes, she is officially walking -- really walking, not just a few steps, she only crawls as a last resort. She's so cute with her little swaggering walk and you can tell she is really proud of herself.

We also celebrated my Dad's 50-10th birthday. :) We spent the afternoon at the park having a picnic and letting the kids play. As you can see, even the big kids had fun -- yes that's my dad, sliding down the twisty slide on his 60th birthday. And here's a couple pics of Isabella and my nephew Garrett -- I had to post the silly one of Garrett because it is so Garrett and it cracks me up.

(you might have to click on it to get the full effect of his little bug eyed look) Too funny -- these two are such good buddies!

Then last week my mom and I (along with my girls) took a quick trip up to see family. My aunt has been going through chemotherapy again and I've been wanting to get up there to see her. I figure my girls can always give an extra boost of cheer and sunshine, right? :) It was actually way too quick of a trip, but since her chemo is on Friday - we didn't want to go up during the weekend. And my mom had to get back to work so we had to make it quick. We travelled up Wednesday and came back Thursday afternoon. Here's a cute picture of my girls sleeping together there. But don't let these sweet sleeping girls

fool you, most of the night was not like this. As I have mentioned countless times, Amelia LOVES her crib, and isn't so crazy about change, so she wasn't thrilled about being in a strange place in her pack and play. She did ok for her naps, but Wednesday night both of the girls were sleeping when I got to bed, then around 2 am Amelia woke up crying and wouldn't calm down -- which my sweet girl works herself up into a tizzy and gives herself diarrhea. My mom came in and got Isabella, so I could just keep Amelia in bed with me. This is what she was wanting - out of the pack and play with mommy, but she doesn't enjoy it at all. Unlike Isabella who will just quickly go to sleep next to me, Amelia was so fidgety trying to get comfortable. Then around 3am, I hear Isabella crying that she wants her mommy. Which I have to admit makes me feel good. She comes down the hall with my mom saying "I want to cuddle with my mommy" -- so now there are 3 of us in a double bed or at least 2 1/2, because I think half of my body was off the bed. :) For the rest of the night, I pretty much didn't sleep. Amelia would fidget, lay on top of me, sit up, pat my face, lean over and give me kisses (I know, how sweet!) Then Isabella would wake up and say "Cuddle, cuddle" and want me to put my arm around her. Plus, I had started having problems with my sinuses so I was awake with that as well. And all that complaining to actually say, when I got up in the morning and saw my two sweet girls cuddled together next to me, I had to take a picture of them and think how precious it is to have my two girls sleeping next to me (and then hope that it doesn't happen again anytime soon. :) It was nice to visit and see my aunts, uncle, and cousins, especially since my girls hadn't been up there since August --but definitely too quick. And if you think of it, please continue to pray for my aunt, my parents went up again this week so my dad could go to the drs appointment with her and he seemed encouraged by what the dr had to say. I obviously don't know God's ultimate will in her life, but I know that He is faithful and good. I am still praying for His healing because I know He is the only one that can heal and I'm also praying that He will be glorified through all of this!! I know that she is a testimony to so many around her, so I pray that He will continue to strengthen and encourage her.
Can't promise my blogging will be much better --- we don't have a free weekend until June so the next month will be busy as well. Once again, it should all be a good busy so I'm sure at some point I will have lots more pictures to share!
Great pictures! Jonas loves his crib too. He does pretty well in his pack-n-play but when its time for him to sleep, he doesn't want mommy or daddy's arms. He wants his bed! :-) I love the picture of the girls sleeping. It reminds me of my sister and me. My parent's often took pictures of us sleeping together when we were little.
Yes, after those pictures, it's official. You have the cutest children I have ever seen in my life. ;) I've been slacking with the blogging, too. I'd love to get together one day soon and maybe go for a walk or something. The weather has been beautiful, huh? Say hi to the girls for me.
I love, love, love all the pictures. I totally feel your pain with the sleeping arrangement. My Nicholas is still a bit of a head banger when he falls asleep. Not nearly as bad as it used to be, but if he is in bed with us, we kind of have to wait until he conks out before anyone else can fall asleep.
What are you shooting with? Digital SLR?
You better find some time to blog miss lady! :)
Happy 50-10th bday to your pop!
I just love the pics. Your dad looked like he was enjoying his 50-10th b-day. Happy Late bday Larry!!!
I love the pic of Amelia and Christian on the wood floor the best. :) It was good to see you up here, Hopefully next time you can stay longer.
Oh my heart is melting!!! Those girls are so gorgeous! You took some amazing photos! Amelia looks so grown up to me! Looks like her hair is curly, huh? And the one of the girls sleeping is just so precious! How blessed you are to be able to wake up next to those little angels! The weather looks gorgeous down there. I wish I could come for a visit. :o( Keep posting those pictures and I just may! :o)
The girls are beautiful, as always!! Traveling is so hard on kids. They just don't understand the need to be anywhere other than their comfortable, familiar beds. You were a trooper to take them on such a quick turn-around trip. Praying for your Aunt!!
Email me if you want! It looks like we may be in the same area.
Your girls are so sweet! Thanks for sharing!
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