I had a quick little photo shoot with Amelia today -- got a few pictures that I just love, but this was probably my favorite. Maybe I'll post some of the other ones when I get a chance. She seemed to be quite content in her little tutu, so I think she's going to be a little girly girl as well. Hopefully I can get another tutu made so I can get pictures of both of my girls together in little tutus. I also tried to take pictures of both of my girls in "valentiny" clothes, but Amelia wouldn't cooperate for that one, but I think I got a cute one of Isabella. :) Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. My honey and I are going out to eat tomorrow night because a friend has volunteered to watch my girls. I'm so excited -- a night out with just my hubby!! My parents are watching my girls Friday night so we can do something with the teens so I knew I didn't want to ask them to watch the girls two nights in a row, so it was a huge blessing that she volunteered!!! Today was full of everything hearts for Isabella, heart pancakes and heart shaped banana pieces for breakfast, we made heart shaped sugar cookies for Daddy and Papa/Noni, then I hid a couple little presents around the house for her -- which she loves to find presents -- so it seemed like a good day, until we got to my parents and when they asked her if she got anything for Valentines Day, she said "I don't remember". Wow, lasting impression. So my feelings are a little hurt, but she actually isn't feeling good tonight so maybe that's what's wrong. Hope yours was full of love!! :)
That is adorable! You take great pictures. Although having such cute little girls helps out too. :-)
Wow, that picture is really beautiful!
Awh, Amelia makes a beautiful little ballerina! Great picture! :)
that is one of the cutest pics I've ever seen!! So precious! Did you take the one of the feet too??? the tutu cute???
oh my goodness I love that picture!
This reminds me of a picture of my little Isabel around that age, with curls and pearls and all things girly. So sweet!
The girls are just getting more and more beautiful everyday!! Amelia just looks tutu cute in her tutu. And Isabella with her Valentine's present is just darling. :)
The girls are just getting more and more beautiful everyday!! Amelia just looks tutu cute in her tutu. And Isabella with her Valentine's present is just darling. :)
Hey DeAnna! I'm glad you have been able to see updated pictures of Jonas. I should have known your mom would share! :-) She is so sweet. I love Amelia in her tutu! Just adorable!
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