Amelia is 11 months old today!!! Only one month, which I'm sure will fly by, until she is 1 year old. She most definitely gets more precious (and adorable) every day and every morning when I get her out of her crib I feel like the Grinch where his heart grew two sizes, some how I feel like I love her more every day. Owlhaven did a good post in response to another blogger having this fear of not loving her second child as much as she did the first and I remember having those same fears. I remember after we got the call that her birthmother was in labor and then as we were driving through the night thinking "Are we crazy? How could I possibly have any more love, how could another little one come close to being as precious to me as Isabella, maybe we shouldn't have done this, maybe we should have stopped with one..... :) " Then I think about how we almost didn't have them show C our profile, we were afraid we were jumping into another adoption too quickly, maybe we should just wait. Then God just really tugged at our hearts and we had to say "Ok, Lord you're in control, if this child is meant to be ours, then You have C choose us and you will work out all the details." And now I'm so thankful how God worked things out and I can't imagine my life without her. She is such a sweet little baby who now makes me smile and laugh so much. Her little personality just cracks me up. And I don't know what it is about her, but I have to squeeze her and kiss her a hundred times a day at least! :) So many things I love about this precious girl...... I love the way she reaches up for me to hold her and how she will climb on top of me as soon as I sit on the floor with her. I love that she isn't as "tough" as Isabella, and although maybe a little dramatic, she loves to be comforted by mommy if she even slightly bumps her head. I love that even though she doesn't warm up to people easily, that she will always look to me for reassurance or hold on to me tighter when a new person talks to her. I love her beautiful eyelashes. I love the cute little wiggle she does when she is crawling and I love how she dances to music. I love her little giggle. I love how as soon as Daddy comes in from work, that she will automatically crawl to him or want him to pick her up. I love how she plays peek-a-boo, especially when she forgets to cover her eyes or won't have anything in her hands, but will put them over her head like she is holding up a blanket. I love her cute curly hair and her precious little lips. I love how she lets go while standing and makes this cute little face like "Look at me!" I love that in the top picture, she looks like she is happily reaching up to me, but in reality, this was what she was wanting.....

I love the way she loves that little bear and will giggle, squeal and smile every time she sees it. I love her, love her, love her!!!!
You were made perfectly to be loved - and surely I have loved you, in the idea of you, my whole life long. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Absolutely precious and beyond adorable. I've fallen for both your girls. :)
They sure are lucky to have a Momma like you.
Happy 11 Months!! She is so precious!
You are blessed to have her; and she, you! God is amazing!!!!!!!!!
Oh so very precious!!! It's just killing me to not be able to reach into this screen, pick her up and share in some of those kisses. What beautiful girls you have! (inside and out!)
Wow- time has really flown!
She's such a beautiful little girl-
Busy planning the 1st Birthday bash?
Such a sweetheart she is. And such a pretty smile. Your girls are just the cutest!
Happy 11 months Amelia! She's simply gorgeous. She looks soo happy.
She is soooo adorable! Her smile could light a room!
Happy 11 months! Wow, next month is the big 1!!!
happy 11 months! What a beautiful post for a beautiful daughter!
She is sooo adorable! I can't believe she will be one soon!
Jonas is pretty independent and not so cuddly. He has to know whats going on around him. My sister's first was the same way, then her second was more affectionate. Maybe I'll get a cuddle bug the next time around too!
She is such a gorgeous baby, and looks so happy too! Happy 11 mos!
She looks just plum adorable. And she is growing so fast!! I can also see that her hair is getting longer. :) I wish we lived closer to so that we could see the girls more.
My hubby and I are researching domestic adoption of a minority child/infant. I would love your insight and advise since you have been there, done that twice! I love your blog and your chidren are adorable. My e-mail addresss is angelweir@gmail.com :0) Angel
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