Saturday, September 15, 2007

Season of Life

I feel like I have been so absent from blogging lately, actually I feel like I have been so "busy" lately and I kept wondering why since I was feeling like I was not getting that much done, or at least what I am getting done seems to take me forever. Then, yesterday I was making lunch in the kitchen and looked over and there was Amelia standing on our breakfast table -- STANDING in the middle of it. And it hit me, oh yes, this is THAT season of life. The last few weeks several ladies have said in passing, all with young babies or pregnant, that they weren't "baby" people. They loved their babies, but they didn't like the baby/newborn stage, they looked forward to when their babies would start walking and able to communicate some with them. First of all, I can't even imagine not thoroughly loving the baby stage. Both my girls were prettty easy though so maybe it was different for these ladies. Although I do enjoy at least parts of every stage, and right now Amelia cracks me up with her little personality, if I had to pick one stage that was my least favorite -- this would be it. This is the age where both my girls have turned into little monkeys and start climbing on everything, EVERYTHING! They go non-stop, I think Amelia was walking at 12 1/2 months and running by 13 months -- and she doesn't stop. And they start doing things that need disciplining, but how do you REALLY discipline an 1 1/2 year old -- its not like I can sit her down and talk to her about what she's done, pray with her, and then hope to see a repentant heart. :) If I had absolutely nothing to do (or if I could get myself up at 4am) then this would not be so bad, I could just follow Amelia around non stop and not have to worry about her even having the chance of taking a nose dive off the couch, bed, computer desk, or table, but as we all do, there are other things I need to do as well. Oh yeah and throw in her very active 3 1/2 year old sister ..... Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying this stage. She is so funny as she is learning more words and trying to "talk" to us by using one word she knows and jibber jabber for the rest of the sentence. Its funny to hear her as she picks up books and "reads" them aloud in her own little language. She LOVES shoes, she is constantly bringing me Isabella's shoes to put on her, or yesterday when her cousin Olivia was here it was Olivia's shoes, last night was the funniest of all, it was Daddy's shoes and she will continue to bring them to you everytime they come off (last night I finally had to hide Daddy's shoes because I was tired of putting her in them :) She is actually becoming more of a cuddler, which I love! But, for me this seems like the craziest stage of all, so my time on the computer blogging might continue to be few and far between for a few more months. Oh and as I am writing this, she just pushed the button on my computer so that it "hibernated" and she is now throwing the candles off the coffee table. :) I really do have pictures and things to share, it just might take me a little longer to get them here. :)


Spirit of Adoption said...

Oh YES! I'm RIGHT there with you!!!!! : ) I just told Jason this morning that Karis is BUSY!!!! She's almost 12 mo, walking everywhere, and getting into EVERYthing, but MOSTLY putting EVERYthing in her mouth!!!! I have to keep my eyes on her at all times b/c she's continually putting things in her mouth! A few moments ago I found something that resembled a rock in her mouth and just realized it must have been part of the fire place!!!! she got it....I do NOT know!!!!

Grace be with you, sister, as you train up your little ones!!!
much love!

Julie Shaw said...


Mandy said...

I am also with you!! My daughter is almost 2 1/2 and hasn't stopped much since she started to walk. Climbing and shoes.... yup that's her!! I completely understand not being able to blog but I do so love to read your blog and see pictures of your beautiful girls. Hope Ameilia slows down a little and gives mommy some time.

Anonymous said...

I am sooo with you! I totally miss the baby stage. Gav started walking at 10 months and has been a little busy every since. He was a very easy baby, now he won't sit still for more than a minute!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh yesssss!!!!! I so appreciate that other people are going through the same time of life as I am. Some nights I fall asleep right after the kids go to bed, the house in total chaos. I've never felt so incompetent in my life - how can two little kids get the best of me?!