Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Quotes from my weekend
Anyway, we went camping over the long holiday weekend. It was such a nice relaxing time together. We went to the beach and were expecting to spend lots of time at the beach, but it was crazy windy and crazy rough (hopefully I can post a pic of the waves later.) We did get to spend a few hours out there, but the wind would get strong and cause the sand to sting our legs, and I wouldn't let the girls in the water above their ankles because it was too scary to me. Kenny is in a cast from his knee down so it wasn't like he could take the girls out there and I don't trust my swimming skills that much. Thankfully, Kenny trusts my mama fears. Isabella got knocked down once (again water was near her ankles, but waves would come in quick) Kenny said he can't remember the last time I went that fast. Thankfully she got right back up, with her hair full of sand and small shells (again, I have a picture) They actually had one person drown down there this weekend, all they said was that a big wave came and knocked him and his friends down..... he was 19. You can imagine how strong the waves were. So sad.
So although the vacation wasn't what we were PLANNING, it was exactly what we needed. We were able to do lots of biking, and the weather was perfect for that. Isabella thinks she is big stuff now because she can bike without her training wheels and was "flying" through those trails. Who am I kidding, she is big stuff,... I'm so sad. And Keny even biked with his cast on - he refused for this to slow him down too much. :) We slept in every morning, sat around the camper, played games, cooked around the campfire, the girls played at the playground while I was able to cuddle up on the bench swing with my love, then we took the 4th and went to the aquarium and watched fireworks. A needed, restful time away.
So a little fun - here are our gathered favorite quotes from this weekend:
Isabella: "Daddy, did you bring my boogie board, so I can boogie?" I guess if you surf with a surf board it only makes sense that you boogie with a boogie board. :)
Isabella: "Mommy, I'm so glad I'm riding my bike to the bathroom, because my seat can hold it for me." (If that doesn't make sense at first, think about it....)
We were talking about July 4th and going to see fireworks -- Mommy: "We're going to see fireworks to celebrate America" Amelia: "We're going to AMERICA!?!!!"
We watched the "diving" show at the aquarium and they had a little spin the wheel question/answer game about fish, about 4 kids got to play the game. After the show was over, Amelia went over to the lady and said "I didn't get my turn yet."
While riding bikes: Amelia: "My legs are getting tired." She was in a bike carrier being pulled by Daddy. :)
Love my silly girls, they make me laugh!
Monday, June 28, 2010
My new favorite

Currently, this is my new favorite picture of me and my love. There are so many reasons for me to NOT like this picture. First, the day we took this (and the family picture in the header) I had just wanted to go out and take pictures of my girlies. Then Isabella wanted to take pictures of Daddy and Mommy and then I said "Why not? And then lets take a couple family pics" (The wall was an added bonus since Kenny's leg is in a cast) To be quite honest, I hadn't showered that morning.... or the morning before. Yeah, I was 'stanky' with dirty hair. The only reason I even threw a headband and a necklace on was because I knew we told the girls we would grab them breakfast out. I didn't want to go into the restaurant stinking with dirty hair and not at least LOOK like I was trying.
Friday, June 25, 2010
It has been so long that.....

Because looking at these two faces always brightens up my day..... unless they are standing next to me eating cherries and just ruined their shirt and my picture mousepad with cherry juice..... (yeah, that just happened)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hello?!?...... Is this Mic on?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My hubby, you can hardly tell since he is so far away. I thought we would be going on a zip line, hike for a while get to another zip line...... but actually we were attached to a zip line the whole time.
(Me and a stranger, this man said this was on his bucket list. He was unsure pretty much the whole time, but was proud of himself at the end that he had accomplished it) After going over one zip line we would then "hike" over things like this:
(This is one of the guides showing the lady behind him that it didn't matter if she did fell because we were attached to the line, it was kind of strange to walk across it)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
A month?? Really?
Well, this past month has been busy. Right before my last post my husband and I went to this adorable place to celebrate our 13th anniversary.

We had such a fun weekend. And this place was one of those "we definitely will have to come back to this place." Then the next weekend was labor day and we went to the beach with my parents

We actually were at the beach twice, the first time with my parents, and then a week and a half ago we went camping at the beach. Isabella had a couple of days off from school, so we had planned to go away for a last little hoorah before fall truly arrived. The water was nice and warm so I had fun playing in the water with my girls, we rode bikes, visited with friends, and got rained on in the loudest, strongest thunder storm I've ever camped in. It was a great trip, minus the thunderstorm that pretty much kept us up all night. Oh and the raccoons that got into some of our food -- this was the big talk the next morning around the campground because I believe the 'coons were a problem this year, everyone had them "stop by" and were amazed at how smart they were getting into things. Thankfully, most of our stuff was in the car. I didn't take many pictures.... I know that's awful. But instead I just really enjoyed my time. I'm trying to learn how to balance my need,.... I mean want, to take so many pictures and just spending time enjoying what's going on. Its great having a thousand pictures, but if I haven't been truly enjoying my family, what good are the pictures, right? There's a balance, I'm sure, I'm just finding it.
And my Amelia was so, so cute on her little scooter. We took our bikes, but Amelia is still getting used to her bike, can't quite get the whole pedaling forward without constantly going backward into her brakes, so she wanted her scooter. And boy did she become the scooter queen. I wish I could have a video of her to post, she had the most determined little look and would just ride this thing back and forth between "#63 and the stop sign" (those were mommy's rules) and she even rode it around the campground with daddy. The cutest thing ever!
At home, we've been busy with Isabella going to school, searching for a new church, I've gotten back to being more organized with my meal plans now that the summer vacation is over, and we have also been having some fun family time. The girls were racing by pushing apples with the noses down the halls.
Kenny and I raced the girls as well, but who really wants to see our butts up in the air?! This was part of family devotions --- can anyone guess what we were learning about? Hmm, wonder what kind of prize I could give if you guessed right.
Then this past weekend, we went to a "reunion"/get together for my old high school.

And in case you are wondering if that's my whole graduating class, no, here is my class:

So, that has been my life in a nutshell for the past month. Give or take a few things in between of course. We have been gone 4 out of the past 5 weekends, and still have several things planned for this month. The nice thing is that even though the months from September to December seem like the busiest for us, at least it is fall. I love fall!!! Its my happy spot, once I get jeans and long sleeve shirts out, I'm so content. Hope everyone has been having a good fall as well!
Friday, September 04, 2009
13 years (and 4 days) ago